
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Indexing into elasticsearch

This is a 10 minute tutorial that demonstrates how to build a java app that indexes data into elasticsearch and the use of curl to query the index.

Making any changes to the default elasticsearch configuration will not be required, but if you would like to tweak a few options here & there, you might want to go through an earlier post on configuring elasticsearch.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Setting up elasticsearch

Built over apache lucene, elastic search delivers amazing power as a search and analytics engine. It allows for JSON based interactions over RESTful HTTP, which is really convenient. It has a robust distributed structure and becomes an ideal solution for the cloud. Make it open source and you are staring at a beast. (Wipe that drool off your face!)

All this power is bound to make souls wanting to experiment with it a little queasy. Specially if you have no background in data mining, or any experience with lucene, it can take longer than usual to get things rolling. I fall in that very category. Moreover, the Java api doc is scanty and leaves much to imagination.

If elasticsearch teases you too, then read on, maybe it'll make the road smoother for you.