
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

What are mappings in elasticsearch

Elasticsearch defaults most of the parameteres for you to reduce setup time, and you can change things as and when the need arises. So far we haven't bothered about the document schema and have been pushing in documents to be indexed as it is. We've let ES process the fields of our documents as per its own wish and yes it has done a really good job, thanks to its neat set of defaults, but ofcourse as things start getting complicated, one would crave for greater control.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Querying elasticsearch

In the previous post on 'Indexing into elasticsearch', we tested our index using curl as a quick alternative. Lets try to replicate the four curl GET operations we used back there, using the java api of ES. We’ll use the same superheroes data we used in the previous post. Just a quick glance through it.